Their organization is the Ceres planet Nazi 4th Reich space fleet’s Bund. Their main base is in Tubingen, and they hide in Reutlingen. They are exhilarated by the wide range of emotions of the human body, and its sexuality.

Satan Lucifer’s fallen angels use hybrid human avatar bodies that grow to adulthood in a few months. They will be destroyed in the Tribulation Age. God gave our Christian brother Scott a vision of the rapture and the destruction of the evil sinful wicked End Times generation of “women’s head coverings rebelling” “Satan Lucifer’s 1840s to 2020s cross-dress-project men’s trousers cross-dressers” Jezebel worshippers and Sananda Jesus worshippers. They still use the “Project Looking Glass” star gate technology to travel to various future timelines, but the timeline convergence starting from Decemis hidden from the dumb human homo-sapiens specie populace. Satan Lucifer gets thrown into the abyss. This is why the Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar Slytherin black nobility families (Pharaoh Caesar papal lineage nephilim descendants of the Snake in the Garden of Eden-Anu of the Anunnaki Draco Prime reptilian chimera alien’s royal bloodline) have hidden from the public what they saw in the future using the “Project Looking Glass” technology. Satan Lucifer could use thousands of the AntiChrist’s “Post Pan Pre-Wrath Tribulation Rapture Theories Lies fake millennial kingdom of Christ” nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar CIA disinformants to deceive all the religious Christians to enter the Tribulation Age and behead them at the very beginning of the Tribulation Age, but they cannot prevent the rapture of the Pre-Tribulation Rapture Truth real Christians before the Tribulation Age begins and Jesus’ millennial kingdom. However, they found out that there is no possibility to escape the eventuality of God’s judgment and Christ’s millennial kingdom. Bill Wood was an expert in calculating predictability of future occurrences, and was brought into the military to see if there was any way for the Dracos and their boss Satan Lucifer and his Illuminati top hierarchy “Pleiadians’ Luciferian New Age White Lodge Brotherhood” (aka “Dracos’ Satanist Black Lodge Brotherhood”) ascended master fallen angels to escape God’s judgment. There is no escape from God’s wrath and judgment, and the Bible’s “Book of Revelation” prophecy Tribulation Age. Bill Wood says the reason why the Draco reptilian chimera alien incarnate avatar black nobility families pedophile cannibal Satanist “miniature Canaanite royal bloodline nephilim giants” globalist elites cancelled the Illuminati NWO’s “Operation Looking Glass” is because all the millions and billions and trillions and decillions of future timelines all converged into only one single possible future timeline, which is our Almighty Holy Righteous Loving Creator God YHWH Jesus’ Bible timeline. ← Our ally Bill says all future timelines will converge into one timeline of God’s wrath and judgment Bible prophecy, just as I had said before many times from long ago. | Human Race Survival Resistance (HRSR) Headquarters Share all this information with our Christian brothers and sisters, and feed the sheep, so that they will come to frantically try to kill you and massacre your family, because Jesus gave his life for you on the cross out of self-sacrificial love, in order that you may receive forgiveness for sins and the gift of eternal life. Their Draco reptilian chimera alien descendants of the “snake in the Garden of Eden” Anu of the Anunnaki are the middle manager Caesar papal lineage black nobility families of earth, and they run the royal families and banks and governments and media and corporations and courts and police and military and intelligence agencies and schools and religions.

These fallen angels run their nephilim & chimera alien incarnate avatar globalist elites. The daughter of the Illuminati NWO Luciferian Satanist New Age Wicca witch nephilim bloodline descendant high witch who was involved in the creation of the United Nations, Carolyn Hamlett, was bred by the fallen angel ascended masters to breed hybrid nephilim giants for them, during the coming NWO. Their Illuminati NWO one-world religion of the AntiChrist is the Global Ethics Foundation. They are hiding in Reutlingen and their organization is the Nazi Bund. Satan Lucifer’s Illuminati top hierarchy “Pleiadian’s White Lodge Brotherhood” (aka “Draco’s Black Lodge Brotherhood”) ascended master fallen angel devils are running the world as business leaders of the Global Ethic Foundation and the one-world religion’s leaders of their “Parliament of World’s Religions.” Their main base is in Tubingen, Germany.